Two Exemplary Skill Sets Combine for the Good of the Web!

 So we have been talking about it for a little while now and finally have unveiled what has going on behind the curtain. West Michigan Web Design, which is more of a team up than a business has opened it’s website for advertising and marketing purposes. Rather than confuse customers with “Go here for this and there for that” we just put all of the information in one spot.

As you can see above we have brought the site in at a nice speed of 2.6s and 44 requests. There is an “E” in the PageSpeed column due to one markdown that really isn’t hindering the site all too much so we’ll just let it fly. Either way we’re happy with the build that we have put together, the site is very robust with information and pages to go through and still boasts a great speed for usability.

Dog Ear Marketing was the lead on the design again with a little help from bwStandard to help finish flesh out the offerings etc. Hosting like normal from bwStandard on our standard hosting server, that being said we still have room for improving speed with a premium server but overall the ROI on such a move would not be worth the expense to get there.

Thanks again for checking out our great projects, now on to getting out there and accepting tons of new customers! If you have any questions or want to get a hold of us [email protected]

will reach the both of us at once to make sure that you get the service that you deserve.