Dog Ear Marketing & Web Design fetched this new startup close to home. Bead Bandz is a family startup that resides down in the great NOLA area and is a family relation to Dog Ear Marketing.

Currently the site is just a landing page with a few functions to make contact to create orders however will include greater functionality and an ecommerce presence that we specialize in soon. This crafting site is one that is a really unique idea using authentic Mardi Gras beads from New Orleans to create beaded hand bandz for celebratory occasions or just wearing around.

At time of writing they are only working with NFL Saints bandz, St. Patty’s bands, and Pride Bandz but plan to expand as they grow with more great ideas.

This site is another that loads very quickly and is ready for the user to get in there and look around. We’re very happy with how this one works and are looking forward to expanding the capabilities of the site as it continues to grow and expand it’s line of products.